Gestalt Letters 6/10


The first design shows Closure as I used O's to create a design that would show a figure and an X with white color to show negative space and create an opening. Closure means  people will fill in blanks to perceive a complete object whenever an external stimulus partially matches that object. This shows Closure as mentally and visually, our eyes tend to close the O and create a circle in our minds despite it being incomplete, which the X creates in the overall design. I used the letter O since it was easy to cut up and still be able to see the shape of a circle. 

The second design shows Continuity because I used the letter S to create wavy lines that show a continuous line. Continuity means we are more likely to see continuous and smooth flowing lines rather than broken or jagged ones. I placed S's overlapping each other to establish that look and makes wave-like lines which was inspired by a friend of mine and that's what I wanted to demonstrate abstractly. It was simple to use the letter S to be able to show a smooth line without any problem.  This is why this design shows Continuity since this flows smoothly and shows no rough lines and consistency.  

The third design consists of D's and S's overlapping each other and creates a design similar to a semi-circle with a line inside of it. Similarity means when items share some visual characteristic, they are assumed to be related in some way. Using this to create a design, I decided to reflect it and creates this pill-shaped like design and made one of them a bit smaller to show the design and how the smaller one is similar since it uses the same design but sizing is different. Using D's and S's was easy to overlap and make a unique abstract design. 

The last design shows Proximity as it shows how each of the small designs are connected to each other and using A's and X's since I overlapped and placed my small design horizontally and decided to reflect it to make a continuous design and repeated that process four times to fill up the whole page. Proximity means when visually group similar or related items together to emphasize their relationship. It was easy to create a small design and then placing them next to each other to show a close relationship between them. It was also simple to overlap A's  and X's since they have similar lines and structure. This is why this shows Proximity. 


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