3 Letters (2nd. Ver) 3/30


While creating this typography design for the second time around, I did not give any of these letters meaning but I did want to practice using a sharp letter which is the A in Bodoni (Modern) font style, a O in Baskerville (Transitional) font style and an X in the Helvetica (San Serifs) font style as well. I wanted to work on making precise lines with the A and have the correct sizing from the cap line to the base line. I did the O in attempts of getting the angle or stress slanted inside of the O. As for the X, I wanted to also work on the correct overlapping of the two lines that make up the X. The A is an uppercase and the O & X are lowercase. 


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  2. Do the letters resemble the models: Yes the letters do represent the models , the Baskerville A is has the the thin and thick stem. Are the lines cleanly drawn: The lines are precise and straight with no irregularities. What is happening in the design: The A's stroke is going through the counter of the O and interacting with the x. How would you improve the design: I would improve this design by adding the 5 letter word with a contrasting font.

  3. Your drawing is very loyal to the model, the lines are straight and parallel and the letters nicely though i think you can improve on the counter by making it slightly bigger and hiding the folder behind the drawing. Other than that your drawing is a 10/10

  4. Do the letters resemble the models?
    Yes I believe that the letters do resemble the models. With the letter "A" she used the font baskerville and both the letters looks very similar to each other.
    Are the lines cleanly drawn?
    Yes the lines are cleanly drawn. The lines don't blead out and the lines for the letter "A" is very straight
    What is happening in the design
    The counter part of the letter "o" is being passed through by the stem of the letter "A"
    How would you improve the design?
    Write down a 5 letter word but besides that I have no other complaints about how she drew this image.

  5. the "A" it looks perfectly like a real font which is Bodoni (Modern), and the lowercase "x" it also look very good as the Helvetica (San Serifs) font style as well. The lines are clearly drawn because there is no smudges or lines sticking out. In the design letter "o" has a good counter and a small cap, and the letter "A" is also has a perfectly bracket. I would improve this design by making the letters stick out of the box and use more curvy letters.

  6. Do the letters resemble the models? Yes it is, it is very accurate and unique. I like how you draw these letters realistically.
    Are the lines cleanly drawn? It is very clean, fancy and precise.
    What is happening in the design? I visualize that o and the part of A kind of represents as a ring on a finger . The x and the A kind of represents as a tentacles.
    How to improve the design? I noticed that you forgot to put the word


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